On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 03:15, Ben Reser wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 10:30:09PM -0600, Brad Felmey wrote:
> > When using a 3Com 3c905B network card, the 3c59x module correctly
> > implements the MACADDR= line in
> > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth(n) configs. If I use the 3c90x
> > module instead, it cheerfully disregards this setting and just uses the
> > hardware MAC. Is this behavior on purpose, or is something broken?
> What happens when you do:
> ifconfig <interface> hw ether <macaddr>

Same disregard for the argument. Everything else works, it just simply
doesn't use the specified MAC address.

> If that works then there's something funky going on.  If not then it's
> possible there is a bug in 3c90x module or they didn't implement it in
> that driver.

That might be the case, although I'd have thought there would be more
"out there" on this issue if others had the same problem.
Brad Felmey

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