On Tue, 05 Mar, at 14:21:31 +0100, Juan Quintela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> done said:
> >>>>> "dave" == Dave Cowern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> dave> Really now?  I find that interesting because without the qce-ga driver (which 
> dave> I downloaded and built from the sourceforge website), camstream and 
> dave> GnomeMeeting do not work as they do not find the cam on /dev/video0. 
> dave> /dev/video and /dev/video0 exist but there are errors opening them.  However, 
> dave> when I install the driver from sourceforge, it works fine.  Could this be a 
> dave> problem with the driver in Mandrake's kernel?  TIA -- Dave  
> No idea, install a Mandrake kernel, do a:
>    modprobe mod_quickam
> and told me if from there the camera works.  Perhaps we need to
> upgrade the driver.
> Later, Juan.

Sorry -- I didn't catch the earlier part of this thread, but is this the
USB version or the parallel port version of the Quickcam?  I've been
trying to get my USB version to work, but not having too much success.


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Thieves respect property; they merely wish the property to become
their property that they may more perfectly respect it.
                -- G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"

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