I just tried to upgrade from an 8.1 (Powerpack install), with a hand 
compiled Xfree 4.2.0 to 8.2b4, and had a whole collection of 
problems. I can't see most of them listed in the archive, so 
appologies if some of them are already known and fixed.

I did an "upgrade packages only" upgrade. This seems to have been a 
bad idea. :( Hardware is intel PIII-750, 196Mb RAM, i810 onboard 

The first problem is that /usr/X11/bin vanished from the default 
path, so X didn't work until I fixed that.

X then had the following problems:
- the agpgart module isn't loaded and X can't seem to do so. 
modprobing it loads it though.
- the i180 module segfaults.

The only solution was to drop back to my previous kernel, which does 
work. X still wouldn't work until I reran configure.

Next up was KDE. On X startup I got the normal blue background... and 
no KDE. It just sat there. Renaming my .kde directory solve that 
particular problem, but I don't know what the cause was.

Having gotten KDE running, changed the style to "laptop" (only 
because I like having the close window icon in the opposite corner), 
and the icons are either missing (the toolbar for kmail is completely 
blank for example) or vastly magnified (the toolbars on konqueror are 
1/6th the height of the screen, at 1280x1024).

MandrakeUpdate claims there are no package updates since I downloaded 
the beta 4 isos. I don't know if that's accurate or if there's a 
problem there too.

Other than that, KDE seems much faster. :)

The meek shall inherit what they damn well please
- 'Under the Gun' Sisters of Mercy

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