Hi all.

I just suscribed yesterday because I'm interested in contributing some
packages to Mandrake.

I wrote Lenny a month ago, but I got no response, so I'll try now in
this list.

I started "working" for Mandrake Linux (translating) two or three years
ago, and I'd like to keep on contributing by packaging software. I have
read the "mdk-rpm howto", and I've followed the steps there. There is
only one thing I can't do: sign my packages (because I dont't have a
"*@mandrakelinux.com" email address).

OK. Now, I've made gtranslator package. I've placed the SRPMS in

So, I've two questions:

1. How can I sign my packages (who can give me a *@mandrakelinux.com

2. I need to know who I should write to add this package to contrib.

Thanks for all.


Juan Manuel  García Molina

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