Based on the information provided it dealt with the very old 2.4.8-34
updated 8.1 kernel.

I suggested it be taken to the newbie or expert lists as this list is
for cooker related issues.


On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 18:03, Marc Lijour wrote:
> Le Mars 15, 2002 09:55 AM, vous avez écrit :
> > This is not a cooker issue.
> >
> > Please use the newbie or expert lists.
> ?
> I don't know why it isn't a cooker issue (as long as it worked for the 8.1 
> kernel and it does not for the 8.2, for me it seems that i8xx owners would be 
> affected by the next 8.2 release misbehaviour).
> However, I'm not an expert at this time (and I don't care about the 
> tuxracer!). And I apologize for the noise. I just wanted to help in something 
> :)
> Sorry,
> marc

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