--- Warly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mandrake Linux is based on a fixed date releasing
> due to market
> constraints (distributor/supplier schedules). As a
> consequence the
> release date was scheduled 3 months ago. On this
> date we have a 
> very little margin of 2 or 3 days, but not more.
> So the datum is: "release date is March the 15th".
> Now we need to do it in this timeframe (and we are
> the 17th), and
> we have no other choice.
My probem is not as much the release of software that
is not polished, as much as the fact that it never
gets there after release either. If work continued on
8.2, squashing bugs, fixing annoyances, until it truly
does reach stable... then by the time 8.3 came around
(or 9.0), administrators could feel comfortable
installing 8.2. Unfortunately, I keep getting drawn to
cooker because it often runs more stable that the
released version. It keeps going from broken to fixed
a lot.... but at least there is always hope there....
I have had to abandon 8.1 several times in the past in
favor of cooker because I found the annoyances and
bugs in 8.1 a bit too much to take. 
> In a few days 8.2 updates will be released, and them
> you will have
> the real stable and polished distro you want.
As a laptop user, I am still a bit frustrated over the
kernel. The last kernel that I could use where I could
use the features of the laptop (such as
suspend/resume) was 2.4.17-16mdk. On that one, if I
disabled APIC and rebuilt the kernel, everything
worked just fine. It still is that way. Our office has
been migrating to the Dell laptops, and since we are
using Windows terminal server, the potential is there
for us to migrate away from windows desktop os. But,
unfortunately, I can't. It is very frustrating since
there are so many things that I like that Mandrake
does, that is why I have been working so hard at
trying to catch and report bugs. There are other
annoyances and bugs that are also quite major, such as
draksync copying over a newer local file with an older
remote file when syning using "copy most recent
files". Can you imagine the chaos that bug can create
in the enterprise? You have worked all night on a file
on your laptop it and you draksync it with your
office, only to find out all of your work is gone? Not
a good thing.

I know management gives a hard date, and I understand
the need for deadlines so that projects can reach
conclusions, however most people who might become
curious about Mandrake through an article, that
downloads and installs, will quickly lose interest if
the amount of bugs and annoyances out of the box reach
past a certain level. I recently had this problem with
a co-administrator who is a big Microsoft proponent.
Because of the Microsoft licensing issues, he got
enthusiastic about Linux and tried to install it. He
tried SUSE and Mandrake, 8.1 and cooker... and he gave
up on it since he could not get even the basics
working properly. Those being a graphic interface (he
had an nvidia card on his Dell Inspiron 8100),
suspend/resume and other things he expected to work
out of the box. Even though he had me available as a
resource and I could have fixed most of his problems,
he chose to try it himself, quickly became
disillusioned, and now it is sooo much harder to get
him to try again.

I feel there is a window of opportunity out there
right now, but windows do close. I feel Mandrake is
the closest distro out there that I can recommend on
the desktop, but yet I don't feel comfortable
recommending it yet. 

SI Reasoning

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