On 19 Mar 2002, Pixel wrote:

> FYI, you submitted your bug report on the 16 march. The 2 people (flepied and
> fpons) that could help you on this are pretty busy/tired. And cooker has been
> fairly noisy those days. You may have better luck mailing them directly, and
> choosing a better date to post bugs (when in deep freeze only big problems are
> taken into account others are devnulled)

I submitted bug reports on 2 March, 6 March, and 9 March. This was 
during the 8.2 beta test period. I posted my reports here after trying 
(unsuccessfully) bugzilla, mandrakeforum, mandrakeexpert. 

The bug prevented the install kernel from booting (or, if one supplied
the pci=conf2 argument, the kernel would boot, but the installer died at
the second stage).  I suggested the fix (remove the buggy ali15x3 driver
from the instal kernel, since it provides no features necessary for
installation and the generic IDE support works fine).  The problem goes
back as far as at least Mandrake 7.2 in my informal testing.  I wanted
to help get this resolved before 8.2 went gold.  No responses at all,
except from one user who responded off-list to tell me he also was
having problems getting noticed by mdk maintainers.

I was a paying user of Mandrake since 7.1; I've switched to debian on my
laptop this week because this bug prevents mdk from installing, and I
don't have a spare linux machine on which I can build a custom installer
boot disk (and I won't bother now that I've got a nice, working system
on my laptop - I didn't buy the thing to tinker with)

If Mandrake is still around to put out another version, I might switch 
back. If the installer boots.


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