I can top that... I joined the Mandrake Club but can not download anything. 
E-mail to the Webmaster, as told to, 5 days ago and still no answer and no 
change in functionality. Hummm.......

>From: Greg Sarsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Cooker] bugzilla @ qa.mandrakesoft.com
>Date: 20 Mar 2002 09:05:52 -0500
>Okay I have a username and password for qa.mandrakesoft.com bugzilla but
>I'm not allowed to post a bug.  Why would a password be issued if you
>can't post a bug?  Don't understand the need after getting a
>password/username to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking to be able to post
>a bug.
>If you follow the link to MandrakeExpert it is not intuitive as to what
>to do if you have found a bug.  If I've found a bug I'm really not
>asking a question other than does anyone else have the problem.
>Just afraid this approach might cause people to not report bugs and thus
>they don't get fixed.
>well that is my 2cents for the morning.  Now how am I going to report
>that Galeon is not remembering the homepage you set after it is
>restarted so time later in the day?

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