> for me it sounds really a good idea.
> after downloading and installing iso version, if i know that
> the boxed version will fix some errors i met, i'll buy it:)
>>Hello cookers,
>>What about a new mode of Mandrake Linux distribution mode :
>>- Now : we have a 3 stages of validation (QA process) for the
>>distribution : * One two or three betas after the cooker work.
>>* One, two or maybe three release candidate with a deep freeze in
>>cooker tree
>>* The final step is the announce (on that ever media) and, I think, the
>> transfert of the final master to the printing & packaging departement
>>+ the  mirroring to the ftp sites.
>>- Proposal : why not add a step at the end following this pattern : *
>>One two or three betas after the cooker work.
>>* One, two or maybe three release candidate with a deep freeze in
>>cooker tree
>>* The final step is the announce (on that ever media) and make
>>available on  the FTP site the GPL cds
>>* wait one more couple of days to squizze the last bugs that apeears
>>with the  final rush and then transfert of the final master to the
>>printing & packaging  departement + the mirroring to the ftp sites.
>>This way has some "big advantages" :
>>- the boxed version could be more stable.
>>- the 3 CDs are for "internet" people and not the average people who
>>could  wait a little more to have their box.
>>- no more "offficial" update just after the launch of the boxed
>>- a more professionnal approch (less on the bleeding edge, more safe
>>you are)
>>- you will be more covered by the media (one article for the GPL CDs,
>>one for  the box version)
>>- You could do a two distribution ways :
>>      * sell the GPL CDs without _any_ stuff (including books, ...) for
>>      people who
>>want to be the first.
>>      * sell the boxed version a few weeks after with the corrected version
>>      nd the
>>books, the support, ...
>>People who use the first version will have to update their distribution
>>when  the boxed version is ready via internet, that's all.
>>Please ask if I am not clear enough.
>>Penser pour un bon nombre de femmes est plutot un accident heureux
>>qu'un etat permanent. E.Stern
The problem is that it is _NOT_ a couple of days. Testing the bugfixes
is necessary lest they have side effects that bite us in the butt after
release. That is why the final week will never see small bugfixes, only
release critical ones. For example, a new kernel made during that week
might pass Cerberus, but it would still have to be used a while to check
other things and unanticipated side effects.

Remember 8.1 with a late addition of iptables? It broke internet
connection sharing on reboot, which was a large source of support
requests, expensive out of all proportion to its significance.

Still, it might be a good idea to schedule this in, but look at longer
than a couple of days with a deep freeze in effect.


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