Keld Jørn Simonsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > 8.2 gold wish: when selecting in drakx which GUI to use
> > > (kde/gnome etc) and whether to log in automatically
> > > the question on whether to autologin comes before the
> > > box to cose the GUI. I suggest to exchange these two
> > > items so that it is clearer what you are answering.
> > > I have mistakenly said yes here because I thought I chose 
> > > kde, while I was in reality doing autologin, which
> > > is a security risk.


> After all, it is probably only a simple move of some lines in the code,
> and that could be done faster than the combined time we have spent
> on the question here.

it's not that way (otherwise it would already be done, you're the second one
to ask this). the code is:

                       { title => _("Autologin"),
                         messages => _("I can set up your computer to automatically 
log on one user.
Do you want to use this feature?"),
                         ok => _("Yes"),
                         cancel => _("No") },
                       [ { label => _("Choose the default user:"), val => 
\$o->{autologin}, list => \@users },
                         { label => _("Choose the window manager to run:"), val => 
\$o->{desktop}, list => \@wm } ]

I don't want to add the ability to have the Yes/No before the entries. At
least not if it's not *really* needed (=> more than one dialog box)

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