On Thursday 28 March 2002 07:26, andre wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 March 2002 18:02, Danny Tholen wrote:
> > On Monday 25 March 2002 21:37, you wrote:
> > > Wine as packaged by Mandrake doesn't work for me. wine notepad.exe even
> > > doesn't run. I get this with the version in 8.2 or when i compile it
> > > myself. But if i add optflags: i586 -O2 -pipe -mcpu=i586 -march=i586 to
> > > my .rpmrc file and compile it than wine does work. So could you change
> > > the spec file to force a -O2 build

> > Maybe, you can also try gcc 3.0.4, it solved a couple of problems for me
> > (now using wineX i686 -O3 )

> Tried that too. Does not work either. Only O2 seems to work

Maybe a CPU-specific compiler bug?

Cheers; Leon

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