On Thursday 28 March 2002 09:23 pm, you wrote:
> The two packages are mutually exclusive for the most part.  And if you
> install ipchains it will make iptables complaign when it try's to
> modprobe it's modules because ipchains will start sooner.  The only way
> to use them both on the same machine is to rmmod each other when you
> want to ship.  Therefor I suggest that they both Conflict with each
> other.  I.E.:
> iptables.spec:
> Conflicts: ipchains
> ipchains.spec
> Conflicts: iptables
> This should eliminate the problem some people have been having with not
> being able to make iptables work.

The problem is they are BOTH installed and activated by default, it shoiuld 
be only either one of them started by services.

Anyway, is working now!    Thanks


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