On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:35:53PM -0600, Jeremy Salch wrote:
> On Friday 29 March 2002 05:33 pm, you wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 02:32:03PM -0600, Jeremy Salch wrote:
> > > There is no ARTS output
> >
> > normal coz it was disalbed
> >
> > i'm just checkign user feedback to see hwo tht goes
>  ok   well i guess my feedback is that I like having the arts because i use 
> kde 

yep, but I'm checkign to see whether we can disable both to see if a solution
for both with and without kde cna be solved.

YOu use kde, but not everyone does, and I want to see if we can find a 
wm independent solution.

        - G.

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