On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> http://www.linux-mandrake.com/howtos/mdk-rpm/advanced.html#PREVERSIONS-NAMING
> but they are actually plenty of counter-examples in distro:
> openssh-3.1p1
> openssl-0.9.6c
> libhdf5_0-1.4.2p1
> etc...

No, the aforementioned problem only applies to pre/alpha/beta versions.
Since e.g. 1.0pre1 > 1.0 , one needs to use 1.0-0.pre1.1mdk to
distinguish the _pre_ status. However, in the above cases, it's patch
level, not pre. So we have:

openssh: 3.1 < 3.1p1
openssl: 0.9.6 < 0.9.6a < 0.9.6b < 0.9.6c ....
libhdf5: 1.4.2 < 1.4.2p1


Abel Cheung
GPG Key: (0xC67186FF) http://deaddog.org/gpg.asc

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