> > from the output, mathplot doesn't require libtk.so!
> > 
> >     - G.
> > 
> Except when you run it, it says it does.
> [grimau@Master grimau]$ mathplot
> mathplot: error while loading shared libraries: libtk.so: cannot open shared object 
>file: No such file or directory

alright worked out why.

Yep you're right, I have no idea why rpm picks up the right dependency (bad
rpm ...) for an app which tries to run an non-existent library.

anyway I can't rebuild this right now as I can't install the ocamltk 
buildrequire package on the compile box ... so ...

If you need to use it urgently either recompile mathplot with the 
$(TOPDIR)/src/Makefile's -ltcl and -ltk changed to -ltcl8.3 and -ltk8.3 
respectively or the more ugly solution (if you don't have a compiler)
do a symbolic link (I really don't recommend this method).

        - G.

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