On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 09:21:50 +0200, Brian J. Murrell wrote :

 On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 02:06:24AM -0500, SI Reasoning wrote:
>> I had one too that only happened on one machine. Uninstalling flash
>> resolved it. Other machines work with flash fine though.... This
>> problem happened after upgrading 8.1 to cooker. I have now stabilized
>> the machine at 8.2... without flash.
> Yes, I have been down the road of removing all of the "accessories" to
> see if that was causing the instablilty.  No joy.  I could not even say
> that it was a Gnome environment thingie because Mozilla does it as much
> as Galeon does.
> It happens most frequently also when scrolling the window up and down,
> moresoe even if I scroll fast, on given pages.

First, about flash : there are known issues (flash will crash mozilla if
using exported DISPLAY, mozilla will hang if audio card is already used
=> must run mozilla through soundwrapper..)

Second, I don't ignore your report.. It is simply you seems to be the
only one with these kind of problems..

To resolve these problems, could you try :
-remove .mozilla and restart mozilla => your profile might be corrupted
-disable Xinerama.. I remember a long time ago we discovered a bug in
sawfish which was caused by Xinerama and was crashing Mozilla

If you continue to have crashes, try using tarball from mozilla.org, to
see if the problem is our package or in mozilla..

And reproducible test cases would be great too :)) 
Frédéric Crozat

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