Hmm..while debugging a program on 8.2 I suddenly found out that 
is NOT added in /etc/X11/fs/config.
only /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/ (not usefull) and
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/Type1 are there.

Now I finally understand people complaining about drakfont not working: since the ttfs 
are missing the
'converted to type1 fonts' are used. And they are usually very very very ugly.

Unless you use Xft ofcourse, since than the fonts come via another route.

I think there should really be a bit more communication when directory-layouts are 
changed. Since I reported
the same thing before 8.2 final for XftConfig. So both font render systems were not 
updated for this.
Stupid I didn't check this.
(sorry if I appear frustraded, I was trying to debug the friggin program for 3 hours, 
than it turns out to be something else).

Anyway, hope it can get fixed asap.


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