I keep having problems with supermount and CDROMs...  I wish I knew
exactly when this started, but for at least the last 5 days of cooker
I keep getting "ls: .: Stale NFS file handle" when I cd into /mnt/cdrom
and do an ls.  Other things like mc and konq have no problems.  If I
unmount and mount without supermount all is fine.

Here's the line from /etc/fstab, if that's helpful:
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0


Matt Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICT-Carlisle, Operation Mobilisation

Public PGP Key: http://moses.om.org/~mattp/gpg.asc

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