On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Thierry Vignaud wrote:

> Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> here is a temporary fix:
> > While on this topic: could you please decomment /usr/lib/perl5/man line in 
> > /etc/man.conf ?
> too late for 2mdk.
> now, export LESSCHARSET=latin1 and less won't owerwrite it with utf-8.
> i've to figure why utf-8 is broken.
> i'll decomment perl man pages in next release :-)

Seems utf-8 is not broken. It doesn't work just because it is
using ISO-10646-1 charset; if the input stream contains something
not belonging to UTF-8, it is 'rolled back', thus causing
lost character. Of course I can be wrong, this is just a
uneducated interpretation of less source.

If a sane default value is needed, I'd suggest LESSCHARSET=koi8-r
instead of latin1 or utf-8, since koi8-r is very close to a 'raw'
charset -- almost any char is display as is, except control characters.
Even latin1 excludes the 0x80-0x9F range. I still happen to remember
some comment like "Mandrake is the most iso-8859-x'ed Linux distro,
but not i18n'ed".

Abel Cheung
GPG Key: (0xC67186FF) http://deaddog.org/gpg.asc

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