On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Jerry A! wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 03:06:07PM -0500, Jeremy Salch wrote:
> : I've been in cooker for about 6 months and so far i have not seen Java work
> : PROPERLY with Konqueror ...
> :
> : I did get jsse installed so that that problem is fixed but sites like
> : chat.yahoo.com  have never worked  and some others.   The odd thing is that i
> : can go to all of those sites with no problem using Mozilla with the same Java
> : runtime.
> Define "properly".  I've successfully used konqi with both the IBM and
> Sun JDK's.
> Now, if you're talking about konqueror spawning the Java applets in a
> separate window instead of embedded in the page, I believe that's a
> limitation with konqueror.

It's a limitation if you use a window manager other than KWin. 
(Although an another NetWM compliant WM might work -- not sure of
details..). If you do use KWin, then it is a bug.

-Maks Orlovich

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