On Saturdayen den 4 May 2002 14.36, Geoffrey Lee wrote:
> > > > I will look into the cistron radius sys5 script and its spec file and
> > > > see if I can fix it.
> > >
> > > There is a reason for not addin "checkconfig --add spamassassin" :
> > >
> > > You can use spamassassin either in standalone mode or daemon mode so I
> > > didn't add the chkconfig line in 0ost..
> >
> > Aha, ok, thanks. I haven't used it yet because there are, or have been
> > problems with it and qmail + qmail-scanner. Also I personally hardly ever
> > get spam anyway, he he...
> >
> > How is the proper way to do:
> >
> > "chkconfig --add spamassassin"
> > "chkconfig spamassassin off"
> Look in the 2345 line. That's the default runlevel to start this stuff, try
> not starting it by default ..

Ahh..., it figures... Thanks!

Regards // Oden Eriksson

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