In my MDK8.2 / KDE3 setup with Mozilla 1.0RC2 I don't experience such 
freezes. BUT! I do suffer from the infamous badly written Flashplugin 
problem that surfaces itself if the Flash uses some specific commands. 
Then it just KILLS Mozilla, and after that I can't use any flash page 
before restarting X.

On Mon, 27 May 2002, gabor farkas wrote:

> i don';t really know if this is a cooker-problem or not... i don't have
> access to 8.2 machines..
> when artsd is running, i can't watch any flash-enabled pages... mozilla
> simply freezes while loading the page... if i kill artsd that time,
> mozilla continues to work and loaads the page... it looks like mozilla's
> flash plugin is waiting for the sound device ....
> i'm sure i'm not the only one using mozilla + kde .. how other people
> solve this?
> thanks,
> gabor

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