Nathan A. Smith wrote:

>I seem to be having trouble getting my sblive soundcard working
>properly.  I have sound (system, xmms, etc) - but only from my rear

I have often run into people who had just their rear speaker output 
connected to their
normal primary speakers under windows, then being perplexed when they 
got no sound
in linux.  I suggest you double check and make sure that what you think 
is the front speaker
output jack, really is the front speaker output jack.


> and I can't get my tv sound working (I have verified the
>hardware settings by trying it in windows).  I have tried alsamixer and
>I can adjust treble/bass/wave sur but nothing else does anything.  To
>make matters worse it hard to tell what is suppose to do what.  Is there
>some place I can look for what mixer settings do what, helps us (not so
>bright) people configure our soundcards to play tv sounds and have thier
>speakers all work??  Thanks in advance
>System:  Athlon 500, 512Megs memory, ATI 8500DV, sblive, and some other

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