On Thursday 06 Jun 2002 08:22, Curtis H wrote:
> OpenOffice.org-1.0-5mdk
> I just noticed that when certain fonts in OpenOffice.org are
> capitalized and bolded, their display onscreen is screwed up.  For
> example my name "Curtis H" gets changed to "#urtis( "  My locale is 
> English(USA).
> Some of the font's that I noticed this with:
> Arial (MS)
> Arial Narrow  (MS)
> Times New Roman
> Tahoma
> Courier New
> Lucida Console
> Verdana
> <<among others>>

You are not alone - it does it here too.
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586
AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1600+  512MB   Kernel: 2.4.18-6mdk-pnr-win4lin
KDE: 3.0.1               Qt: 3.0.4       up 14 hours 45 minutes.

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