So sprach Warly am 2002-06-08 um 12:12:59 +0200 :
> Cooker + contrib = 4 to 5 CDs, so contrib and some main packages are
> missing.


> Well, powerpack is 7 CDs, using 700 MB is 350 MB more.

Yes, true - however I'd estimate that you'd save more money when you use
8 650 MBs compared to 7 700 MBs.  It's also true that 650 MBs are hard
to come by - for consumers.  And if you get a 650 MB, it will not be
cheaper - for consumers.

However, I didn't write that from the point of view of a consumer.  650
MBs are (for 100 pieces) about EUR 0,02 - EUR 0,03 cheaper.  Yes, that's
not much - but multiply that by the number you order and you get a
saving, especially with big numbers.

And finally there is (?) always the hardware issue.

> Mirrors will not be very happy with daily snapshot.

Of course not *G*

> Monthly will be more sensible.


> The goal of these snapshot are more to test very special point, this
> one is for isolinux, 700 MB iso, KDE3 and gcc 3.1.1.

Ah, I see.  Thanks for the clarification!

Alexander Skwar
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