On Tuesday 11 June 2002 09:18 am, Seppo Järvinen wrote:
> On 11 Jun 2002, Nathan A. Smith wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Stupid question --- but where is the mozilla psm?  I went to a
> > secure site and it complained about not having it.  Thanks
> Update your Mozilla 1.0 to version 1.0-04 (the newest in
> cooker/contrib, it has working PSM)

PSM isn't working here either. The latest mozilla I in cooker is 
mozilla-1.0.0-2mdk unless it was updated so recently that the mirrors 
don't have it. (I mirror ftp.sunet.se, and I haven't seen anything 
newer yet).

I assume it's not working because of the g++ 3.1 issue, but I want to 
know if there is some other reason.

Wesley J. Landaker - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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