
I have an MB with kt133 chipset and duron 650 
when I have inside PCI USB2 card with NEC (D72010AGM 0216KP060 - that's 
written on it) chip. Card is named 0220025372 PCI-USBNEC-1
When I try ro tun installation of mdk 8.2 (I have download edition and 
also Power pac) it shows graphics screen and on first step (language 
choosing) it hands - Mouse cursor and keyboard doesn't respond. (keyboard 
and mouse are ps/2)
And the same is on text install. 
I'm pretty sure it is because of this usb card (I've removed it and 
now it works). 
Maybe somebody could look at it :) 

Jan Matis

I would usually like to think I'm not completely stupid. 
(c) Mandrake cooker mailing list

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