Am Mit, 2002-06-26 um 14.21 schrieb Austin Acton:
> Okay kids, you asked for it...
> I installed the cooker iso posted recently and then updated to the
> current cooker, and I found a few bugs that have been around since
> before 8.2 came out.  Can we work on them?
> 1.  During install, screen says "probing serial ports".  If my Wacom USB
> tablet mouse is plugged in, the installation halts due to "unidentified
> device".  Not only is this stupid, a newbie would likely not know to
> unplug the mouse and try again.  What if he had no other mouse?  The
> partition segment of install cannot be used with keyboard alone.  I
> tried.
> 2.  On my laptop, Compaq Armada 3500, XFree 4 runs for 5 minutes then
> hangs the system so hard I have to rip out the battery to reboot.  XFree
> 3 runs fine.  (It's a CT96000 card, 2MB) Users will soon DEMAND
> anti-aliasing, so this is a problem.
> Any ideas?  I'm here to answer questions...
> Austin
Hello I have to add one:
I have USB Keyboard, it works when installprocess is starting but when I
guess it's XDrak (the GUI instalation tool) comes up I have to change it
to the PS/2 connector, but USB Mouse works flawlessly. It's like that
since 8.2 on some Betas of 8.2 (I think it was Beta 2; but don't nail
me) it worked with the USB Keyb.

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