Again this email didn't go off. Grrr. Here we try again (apologies to Andrej in
advance, this is phpgw again, hopefully the last time)

>Frederic Crozat wrote:
>| Le jeu 04/07/2002 à 15:42, Buchan Milne a écrit :
>|>For some reason the enigmail stuff doesn't initialise correctly with
>|>these RPMs. Install the RPMs from first (using
>|>- --nodeps), then run mozilla, and check that you have the enigmail menu
>|>in messenger), then remove the mozdev RPMs and install these.
>|>Anyone who knows how to fix this, please let me know.
>| Try to run /usr/lib/mozilla/ in %post
>Had that already. Even tried it manually. Strange, since that is all the
>the mozdev RPM does.
>|>No dictionaries are included (since they are in myspell-), and I have no
>|>t done anything about the ones that are installed with the myspell RPMs,
>|>so just link the dictionaries you need, as follows (as root of course):
>|># mkdir /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.0/components/myspell
>|># ln -s /usr/lib/myspell/en_GB.aff \
>|># ln -s /usr/lib/myspell/en_GB.dic \
>|>I will try and sort this out in the next release (but I was too anxious
>|>to get GPG working ...).
>|>It would be nice if we could get these into the Mandrake SRPMs (Fred?),
>|>at the moment they are setup to include the extra sources and patches in
>|>the SRPM, but only use them if using --with spellcheck or --with enigmail
>| As I said previously, I'm a bit reluctant to merge non official mozilla
>| "programs" in main mozilla package, since each mozilla release tends to
>| break everything which uses it..
>Which is why I put these in as options. If it breaks, so be it. They
>(spellcheck and enigmail) are not critical to mozilla, but are nice to
>have, so we can live without them for a few days until someone (maybe
>me) gets them to build.
>But spellcheck seems to have been stagnant (and working fine) since at
>least 0.9.7, and enigmail works on 1.1 already (and 1.0.0), so at least
>these two should be quite safe.
>| There seems to be some problems with the patches on your website which
>| prevent me to view them..
>Seems I forgot to set permissions ...  work now (checked). Here are links:
>(these two above are as I found them in the SRPM on the page linked to
>CVS snapshots:
>| If all patches are non intrusive (don't touch mozilla code), I might
>| merge your patches in mozilla main package.. BTW, when you take cvs
>| snapshot, name tarball with the date in japanese format (ie 20020605)
>| :))
>Most intrusive patch (AFAIK) is to the makefile/ etc
>(spellchecker). The enigmail and protozilla stuff doesn't touch mozilla
>CVS dates now applied to enigmail and protozilla source.
>| And please, don't put me in CC: when you post on cooker (except when you
>| have patches to be merged..) :))
>Sorry. And thanks.
>- --
>|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
>Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
>Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
>Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
>GPG Key         
>1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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