Le sam 06/07/2002 à 01:23, Adam Williamson a écrit :
> Just a quick question - are there any plans yet as to when Cooker is
> going to package gtk2 versions of mozilla, galeon and gaim? All can be
> compiled with gtk2 support right now, although it's very dicey with
> mozilla (and thus galeon) atm. Gaim is more mature, but still has a
> major bug (antialiasing is broken in chat windows). Just interested as
> to the schedule... (for gtk2 support in gaim you just compile with
> --enable-gtk2 IIRC, I think it works in current release version, though
> i'm using CVS).

if mdksoft plan to sell 8.3 soon, they will not include apps with
partial/unstable support for gtk 2

nautilus 2 have some quiks, don't add more mess. It's the reputation of

IMHO I think that these apps will be stable under gtk 2 after 8.3 and so
we will see them in 9.0 ( or 8.4 or whatever you want ). Now the
question is :
It's "annoying"/"disturbing" to see theses apps using gtk 1 them and
that they don't correspond to the reste of your desktop ( ok I know by
launching gnome apps under KDE you have the same behaviour ), but I
don't know, now I can understand people talking about standard look&feel
for the standards apps.

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