a) When you choose a wheel mouse the installer provides you the
opportunity to test the mouse.  However, you have to put the mouse
cursor within the window for it to work.  There's nothing that tells you
this and if you're new to Unix you might not think to do this.  So
either it should tell you about this or it shouldn't require you to put
the mouse in the window.

b) When a field is selected and you hit the end key the selection is
kept.  So say for instance you're doing the netmask field.  It's already
filled in with but I want to change it to,
normally I would just hit end, backspace and then type 240.  But if I do
this it overwrites the entire thing.  This is certainly not the normal
behavior in any other app I've seen.

Granted it's just an installer but it is the first impression anyone
gets of Mandrake.


We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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