I'm using a regular floppy.

--- Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 01:15, David Walser wrote:
> > Does *anybody* do NFS installs?  Is it broken? 
> What's
> > the deal?
> I've not tried NFS, but i've had equally big
> problems with an FTP
> install recently, on two different platforms whose
> only common feature
> is the floppy drive (Sony USB floppy.) It just
> crashes out immediately
> after setting the network parameters citing 'fatal
> error' on the main
> console but with nothing obvious having gone wrong
> on the others. People
> familiar with the install process, would it be
> trying to access the
> floppy at this point? If so, would it be confused by
> the floppy not
> appearing at /dev/fd0? i've had consistent problems
> with USB floppies
> and Linux installations, all of which could be
> solved simply by making
> the install process look for the floppy drive at
> /dev/sda as well as at
> /dev/fd0...but it seems a trifle early in the
> process for this to raise
> its head, at the equivalent point in the other
> installs that failed they
> were still working and still reading the drive...
> -- 
> adamw

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