On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 07:28:37PM -0400, Murray J. Root wrote:
> MakeCD now build iso files. That won't work because they look for 
>  modules.cz-2.4.18-6mdkBOOT 
> which doesn't exist. (a 0 byte file gets created when the iso is made)
> The modules in mdkinst is
>  modules.cz-2.4.18-21mdkBOOT
> What do I change to make this work?

This is one of the problems I was having when I was trying to make CDs
on 8.1 (yeah my mirror machine is 8.1 haven't bothered to upgrade it).
But I only saw this behavior when I made them with mkcd.  MakeCD worked
fine for me.  *shrug*


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- Brian Hayes

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