El Mar 23 Jul 2002 12:27, Guillaume Rousse escribió:
> >     These are things I deleted from configure options:
> >
> >         --disable-mmx \
> >         --disable-mmx2 \
> >         --disable-3dnow \
> >         --disable-3dnowex \
> >         --disable-sse \
> >         --disable-sse2 \
> >
> >     Why do you disable all of this? --enable-runtime-cpudetection should
> > compile support for all of them and the binary should use the better
> > options in each computer.
> I was not sure how those options and --enable-runtime-cpudetection were
> related, and i wanted to avoid hardcoded optimisations. So i prefered to
> disable them, but i could be wrong.

        They work as I said and they seem to work well :-)

> >         --enable-mencoder \
> >         --language=en \
> >
> >     I think it's not necessary. These are default values.
> Yes. This comes from work from David, which seems to prefer explicit
> configuration. I also think this is a good idea, considering large number
> of available options.

        Well, I don't dislike that idea, but them you should explicit a lot of other 

> --disable-gl comes from David or Goëtz's report about broken gl support

        But, do you check that in every version? If the option is still there I 
suppose it has to work for somebody (well, may be not ;-)) I mean, I think 
the packager should not disable things. If somebody find a problem, he / she 
reports the problem to developers. They will find a solution or will remove 
the feature but I think it is not a decission the packager have to take.

> --disable-tv, --disable-tv-v4l and --disable-lirc are for reducing
> dependencies for barely used options

        Well, I am an "enable everything, just in case somebody wants to use it" man 
:-) The package I recompiled for plf has these things enabled.

> --disable-svga has been asked by people considering it an old and
> deprecated library

        If you compile the package for cooker (or future 9.0) you will have not svga 
because that library is not in cooker. But if you compile the package for 
8.2, as I did, and beeing svgalib in 8.2, I think is fair to leave the 
support for it. So, I would removed that option too O:-)

> >         --enable-new-input \
> >         --with-extraincdir=./libvo \
> >
> >     I don't know what are these options :-)
> /me neither

        Oops :-)

> > and svgalib. The only thing I miss is support for AAC, but it will be
> > necessary to make a package for faad (http://faac.sourceforge.net).
> You're welcome to introduce it, either in contribs or in plf, depending on
> license and patents.

        Ok, I never did a package from scratch, but I will do when I have more time 
because I want my multimedia machine to be full linux based :-D

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