El Sáb 27 Jul 2002 23:38, Kenton Groombridge escribió:
> Hi,
> There is a problem with libsasl7-devel-1.5.27-5mdk.
> I have rebuilt it from the cyrus-sasl-1.5.27-5mdk.src.rpm, and tried to
> fix the problem but couldn't.
> The file from the rpm, /usr/lib/libsasl.la, is not recognized as a valid
> libtool archive when rebuilding kdebase.
> I can manually fix it by changing the line:
> libdir=''
> to:
> libdir='/usr/lib'
> I know C/C++ programming pretty well on Amiga, but haven't touched
> UNIX/Linux programming.  I am learning though.
> This, right now, is way out of my league, or I am doing something stupid
> which is definately possible.  Please let me know if I am doing
> something wrong here.

        I had the same problem rebuilding the latest kdebase (cooker) for Mandrake 
8.2. The problem was with autoconf 2.5. Use the older autoconf with "export 

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