On Friday 26 July 2002 23:00, nDiScReEt wrote:

>I gathered fhat from your fstab on second look but took a blind shot in the 
>dark anyhow. That is quite unusual. That would infuriate me as well. What do 
>you get when you pass "devfs=nomount" to your kernel and do a reboot?

Hmm...  I'll try it once I have occasion to reboot, then post back.
In the meantime, I have looked through the etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script
for clues, but have found nothing.  The point in the script where the
dirves would be mounted just has `mount -a -t nonfs,smbfs,ncpfs -O 
no_netdev,noloop,noencrypted` (line 888) and mount -a is not supposed
to mount "noauto" filesystems...  It is very bothersome, fortunately
I don't reboot the system often (unless cooker has a bad day and


 +-% He's a real  UNIX Man $-+-------------------------------------+
  \  Sitting in his UNIX LAN  \          Charles A. Shirley         \
   \ Making all his UNIX plans \   cashirley (at) comcast (dot) net  \
    +------# For  nobody @------+-------------------------------------+

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