On Sunday 28 July 2002 08:40 am, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Jason Bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I once had to save as much of a damaged filesystem as I could. It was
> > damaged from a failed drive in a hardware raid configuration that was not
> > rebuilt and it was slowly corrupting the drive... I wanted to save a copy
> > of what was left of a 40gig partition before trying to locally repair the
> > system. I obviously did not have any local diskspace to copy it to. In
> > this case I could have used ssh or nc to stream the data off of the
> > computer.
> There is already `ftp' in the rescue.

Basically I want a "dd if=/dev/sda5 | ssh host 'cat > savefile'". I can easily 
do this with ssh or netcat. Someone mentioned using a FIFO but I have never 
done that... besides feeling that there should be an easier way. I couldn't 
figure out how to use ftp to "stream" the data into another program... (Ok, 
so this could just be my problem : ) 

 - Jason B.

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