This is the first real error i have met with 9.0 beta 1:
There are not enough fonts installed.

First of, XMMS can't open the playlist because it hasn't got the fonts
there. And, GTK1 programs, all use monospaced fonts (looks like courier
or something). GTK2 is fine, but the font list in configuring Gnome2
doesn't have many either. So, many programs just look really ugly.

Any way of fixing this (don't have any configuration for GTK1 on my
box), like someone having a GTK1 config file or what packages to
install... :)

But, it should be installed from the start. And now when GTK1 and GTK2
is separated, it's even more important to make them look the same for
the end user.

And, Metacity is a great winman but it's not configurable enough. Maybe
something to contribute to?

While installing 9.0, I could not directly upgrade from 8.2, it made the
installer hang.

Most of these bugs are cosmetic ones, but hey, it's needed too :)

:: blue mush tapes inc. ::
Version: 3.1
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t 5 X+ R->-- tv+(++) b DI+ D+ G++>+++ e? h>++ r? y-

lynx -source | gpg --import

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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