Hi People!
I've just installed the second beta of Mandrake Linux 9.0 and there are some 
bugs I'd like to report.

Boot kernel (2.4.18-22) won't see the second HD (it's on a Promise FastTrak 
RAID controller...) and it worked fine since 8.0 so that I used hda+hde for 
my software RAID. Indeed when I connect hde+hdf (both disk to the RAID 
controller) kernel hangs, at least till version 8.2 (2.4.18), so that I have 
to build software-RAID with HDA (normal IDE controller) and HDE (ATA-RAID 
controller). But now installer just found HDA...

There's a typo in "Network config", maybe for Italian only. The message ask: 
"Track AUDIO card (useful for laptop)"... should be "track network card" I 
suppose!  ;o)

[ Post-installation]

Installing CDRECORD-CDDA2WAV --> "Group cdwriter does not exist, using ROOT"!

While installing many RPM I get the following message (not always, maybe 8-10% 
of the time):
cd /mnt/error : db4 error (-30988) from dbcursor --> c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: 
Request page not found

[not important...]

Fonts in KDE are very big in my opinion... but that's just estetic!

New RPMDRAKE really misses many many things: now source definition is a 
separate tool, and I cannot list things like "Show only uninstalled package" 
or, even better, "Show updates only"... Hope to have it back soon!  =:)

Gcombust is still at version 0.1.47 and it even have a security bug...

I really miss OpenOffice...   =:°°<

Maybe some more KDE themes? Even in a separate package...

Netatalk (it's in main tree!) should be updated & recompiled against latest 
GCC I suppose...

        That's all at the moment!
        Bye, Claudio

Remote system is LINUX (Mandrake 9.0 beta 2)

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