Because DirePC limits my downloading to 150MB a day, it takes me a while
to get the beta ISOs downloaded (I couldn't get beta 1 downloaded before
beta 2 came out), so I was wondering if anyone could mail me the CDs and
I could mail back blank replacements.

It would be nice if someone in Texas, USA could help (faster shipping
times) so that I can start beta testing before the next beta comes out.


        "I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure."
Gordon Hollenbeck | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AKA: Thrawn      / Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 60306035   / MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 Phoenix Online           Open Souce, 3D, MMORPG
                 The Next Wave              Looking for web host

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