On Sat, 2002-08-10 at 13:33, kim marshall wrote:
> I have a lot of good things to say about MDK 9.0 but as usual the 
> problems take precedence for now.
> I just have to vent on these new rpmdrake tools.  I must say I am not 
> very impressed.  I liked the mdk 8.x versions better and even with these 
> I was often using kpackage as it was more flexible and more information 
> rich.  If mandrake continues to dumb down these tools I will continue to 
> use kpackager or be forced to use the command line rpm utilities.
> Just my two cents.

Well here's my opinion on the matter since everyone's been so vocal
about this ;)  

Use the right tool for the right job.  I used to only use urpm* for all
updating with cooker (mostly because of it's speed and ease of
dependency resolution).  Only occasionally would I use rpmdrake (v1) to
search through descriptions for something.  I now use rpmdrake (v2) for
most of my updating.  It's fast  (like urpm*) and does the exact job I
want it to.  

It doesn't sound like the previous rpmdrake (v1) was very maintainable,
and IMHO, Mandrake made a good decision to start on the right foundation
by making a tool that's fast and maintainable.  Features can be added on
top of that.  I hope that searching through descriptions will be added
some time, but I'm happy with the new one so far.  

My own 0.02$  (I think we'll reach a $1 at this rate :>)

/curtis  ><>

                          Mandrake Linux 9.0 (cooker)
                          Kernel Version 2.4.18-22w4l
                        Uptime 6 days 7 hours 7 minutes

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