Derek Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > I did not make myself clear. When in ICEWM or other WM except KDE  (I
> > > have not got Gnome) launching *any* drak tool either from the menu, or
> > > from a terminal as a user calls up a gtk dialogue box asking for root
> > > password.  This box does not have an OK button. I have to start drakconf
> > > from a root terminal.
> >
> > someone here tells me it's a normal behaviour, you have to press
> > "Enter" (it's the new version of usermode that behaves that way (i
> > agree it's dumb, but i don't have the time to patch it))
> Yes... That had occurred to me.  'Enter' does not work
> (usermode-1.55-5mdk)

booh, anyone has the same pb?

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