Ok, this is about as ridiculous as it gets right now.
I've had problems with sound since, well, since Saturday.
Sound is EXTREMELY sporadic. Before I went from the B2 iso's to cooker, I had 
zero problems with sound. Since then, it's been a world of nothing but a HUGE 
pain in my ass. Why?

The mixer? It doesn't even LOAD half the time in KDE, and when it does it 
reports as a DIFFERENT soundcard? 

The soundcard itself:
~ lspci | grep Ensoniq
00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 02)
(wolf@mirage 06:58:50):

Why do I have the feeling that I will suddenly be losing sound capability 
through Mandrake? NOT a good thing!!!

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