On Wednesday 14 August 2002 09:51 am, Michel Fodje wrote:
> Probably a redesign of the Menu layout will the worth the effort.  A
> consisten menu layout provides extra polish to the desktop; isn't that
> the goad of mandrake?

I would agree; the KDE menu needs a bit of work, too.  One of the things that 
really tick me off is the myriad of wacky menus and submenus.  To run kcalc, 
I need to go to: 
K->Applications->Sciences (??)->Mathematics
Knotes (little post-it notes for the desktop) are in:
WTF?  Why not just have a simple "accessories" group" where you have all the 
little applications?  And how about revising some of the groups?  Most of 
them don't make any sense, anyway.  How exactly are Multimedia, Networking 
and Office applications separate from the rest that they have their own 
top-level menus?
Yes, these are the default KDE menus.  But why does Mandrake not edit them?  
For all I care, Mandrake should get rid of them and replace them with 
something more sensible.  And please don't categorize it too much.  You need 
more than 20 icons in one subcategory before you need to split it, IMO.
-- Igor

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