Pixel wrote:
> Bryan Whitehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Pixel wrote:
>>>Bryan Whitehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>I have a Matrox g550 and Beta 3 still does not work for multihead. I have dual
>>>>21" Trinitron Monitors hooked up (same model/brand).
>>>what does "lspcidrake -v" gives ?
>>Card:Matrox Millennium G550: Matrox|MGA G550 AGP [DISPLAY_VGA] (vendor:102b
>>device:2527 subv:102b subd:0f84)
>>Keep in mind I'm kickstarting from an auto_inst.cfg file. If you need that
>>fine or any other info let me know.
> - does XFdrake configures multi-head properly?

If I run XFdrake after the machine is kickstarted I cannot configure 
Dual-Head. On the same machine Mandrake 8.1 (useing XFdrake) would 
configure the dual head no problem.

> - in auto_install it should "Configure all heads independently", isn't
> that so?

Most of our machines are single head. Only 5 dual-head. auto_inst.cfg 
has this for X:

      'X' => {
          'resolution_wanted' => '1600x1200',
          'default_depth' => '24'

Note: we only started using dual head in the last several months on 
linux (we have many sun boxes with dual head - but solaris is another 
story). So Mandrake 9.0 is the first time we've kickstarted a dual head 

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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