>>yes yes... I'm aware of that, but Mozilla.org is not exactly "on time"
>>with there releases. Hopefully they have changed, but they have no track
>>record of releasing on time. 1.0 was late, but good. I suspect the same
>>with 1.1, late but good. The problem is 1.1 isn't ready yet, and the
>>"ideal release" date has come and gone. If they are "on time" just like
>>like thier other releases (1.1 alpha nad beta) we can expect thier 1.1
>>final in 3 days. That's fine., but leavs little time for testing for
>>mandrake and us.
> If you were reading mozillazine and mozilla newsgroup, you would know that
> release candidate of Mozilla 1.1 are out and 1.1 should ship probably next
> monday or tuesday.. 

Like I said, final should be out in 3 days....

> Guys, you are incredible : for Mdk 8.2, I was bashed because I didn't
> include Moz 0.9.8 (and I was right, there was a lot of regressions
> compared to Moz 0.9.7 we shipped).. 
> And now that we will ship Moz 1.1, we are bashed because it is too recent
>  (even if it has passed both alpha and beta stage).. You are never happy and
> I'm becoming a little upset by this kind of behaviour..

You didn't release with 0.9.8 because you didn't have enough time to 
test it... I don't want the same thing to happen with mozilla 1.1 where 
we end up with mozilla-crap-o-rama-beta-rc because they took too long 
and you don't have time to test the final.

You didn't ship with 0.9.8 becasue it was to close to a release... And 
I'm fine with that. I understand. I'm letting you know that the current 
mozilla (whatever version) is crap, and crashes all the time. And I also 
understand you need time to test the RC or final...

> Did you see any Release Candidate of Mandrake Linux recently ? There won't
> be "final" Mdk 9.0 until at least some RC are out..

My main concern is having a mozilla  - whatever the version is - stable. 
And I'm on this list to test, for myself, and you.

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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