On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 00:26, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> Le Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:35:03 +0000, SI Reasoning a ecrit :
> > I have not had a chance to play around with the 9betas so excuse me if
> > this is already in....
> > 
> > There is one feature of WinXP that I really like that they ripped from
> > Linux but made it simpler to use...and that is the idea of multiple
> > desktops for different users. It would be really nice if Mandrake would
> > create a choice to login into a new desktop without having to logout of an
> > existing one. It shouldn't be that hard to program I would think. Just add
> > an option like in XP to switch users or logout and have the mandrake
> > kdm/gdm automatically create a new X session if a new logon is intitiated.
> > You could then create a unified menu entry that would list user accounts
> > so that it would be easy to switch users from within a desktop. Have all
> > reentry with the option of being password protected.
> > 
> > I don't think it should involve that much since the basics are already in
> > existance within linux.
> It has always exists :
> -either go to console, log as another user (or same user) and type :
> startx -- :1 (for second display)
> -install gdm and go to Configuration/Boot/New session with GDM (if you
> install gdm-Xnest, you can also try New embedded session with GDM)
I know it already exists in Linux. What I liked about XP was how it was
implemented. GDM allows you to pre-open several X sessions at once,
regardless of whether they are used. You would also have to know the
keystrokes to get to each x session and any session that did not have a
quick screensaver with password enabled could be accessed by anyone else
once logged into.

What I was bringing up was the idea of making it simple and intuitive,
with listings on the unified menu of who is logged into each X session
and the ability to click on that name to switch to that x-session (with
the proper password). Also make starting up new X-sessions on demand and
the ability to kill any extra X-sessions when a user logs out.
> -- 
> Frédéric Crozat
> MandrakeSoft
SI Reasoning
gpg public key ftp://ftp.p-p-i.com/pub/si-mindspring-pubkey.asc
"The majority of the stupid is invincible and guaranteed for all time. 
The terror of their tyranny is, however, alleviated by their lack of
-- Albert Einstein

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