On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 21:37:15 -0700
Brook Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 August 2002 05:54 am, Richard Tango-Lowy wrote:
> > Right after I boot, login, and gnome starts, my mouse pointer freezes in
> > the center of the screen. Switching to another console (ctr-alt-F1) and
> > back unfreezes it. Once it unfreezes, it works properly, even when I log
> > out and back in.
> >
> > Rich
> I get something similar and have reported is since mandrake 8.0 or so. It's 
> real annoying but my system won't run for more than a day or two without 
> completely locking up. Usually my mouse continues to work but the GUI doesn't 
> refresh properly. Using the ctrl-alt-f1 will work for a while but after a 
> time the system requires using the power button to restart it.
> Now I've watched it long enough to know it's not my video card( I've used 
> voodoo3 3000, ati rage 64(multiple), voodoo 4 4000. It's not my motherboard ( 
> Used abit slota athlon, currently using tyan socketa with duron) It's not 
> sound card(used built in, creative labs, and now I'm running a Hercules game 
> fortisimo II). I've used various cdroms and dvd so it is not that. The only 
> thing the same is my logitech mouse and my hard drive. 
> My bet is the mouse drivers are not doing the right thing. I've used two 
> different logitech mice over this time but they are the same more or less and 
> it happens more if I use them as usb. They both have the wheel and seem to 
> exhibit this problem when reading anything and using the wheel to scroll up 
> and down the page. One last thing It gets worse the longer the system is on. 
> I'm guessing memory leak in the wheel mouse drivers. I really don't know 
> though. It would be nice if this was fixed as it's the only thing that really 
> annoys me about mandrake. The rest of the stuff can be dealt with but system 
> locking is not good. 

NO DOUBT. in both beta 3 AND 8.2 I am getting this activity CONSTANTLY. everything 
works wonderfully until I switch mouse drivers in X.

after changing from using either 'ps/2' or 'imps/2' as the driver to 'explorerps/2' my 
machine begins to lock up hard.

my machine is a tbird 1200 on iwill kk266-r.
trackball explorer (as imps/2, I can only use it as 5 button, explorerps/2 allows 7! 
adaptec 2940uw scsi

one thing to note, my lockups usually occur during massive hard disk reads on the 
scsi, but ONLY while explorerps/2 is chosen.

to Richard Tango-Lowy and Brook Humphrey:
        are either of you using mice that have more than 2 buttons and scrollwheel? 
perhaps this is a bug with mouse driver accepting more than 5 button commands...

Anthony Dolan

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