Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hey guys,
> I decided to do the upgrade (not a clean install) last night from 8.2 to
> beta 3. I had a drive in my fstab that was NOT properly formatted and thus
> could not be mounted.
> When the time came to select what cds I had (im assuming thats what it was
> supposed to do) a message came up that said "/dev/hdb1 could not be
> mounted" (which is right because it wasnt formatted). Upon clicking "Okay"  
> the error came back, this was an endless loop that I was unable to break
> out of (had to hard reset).
> I fixed the issue by rebooting into my current 8.2 installation and 
> formatting the drive.
> Ive been out of the community for a while, so Im not sure if this is a 
> known bug or not, but none the less I figured I would bring it to 
> attention.

it is a bug. But it shouldn't happen often... and changing this may
break a few other things, so it's a wont-fix bug for mdk 9.0

anyway, thanks for reporting it.

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