On Tuesday 20 August 2002 03:12, Pixel wrote:
> Brent Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This is observed with MDK 9.0 B2
> > I have a USB External Hard Drive Enclosure with 80 Gig IBM Drive.  When I
> > try to use diskdrake to set up my partitions on this removable archive
> > volume, it all looks good untill I reboot then the partitions are broke,
> > and diskdrake shows they have never been formatted.  I had formated and
> > moved data on and back off before the reboot.
> > This seems to be a repeatable error
> > I have one partition of 70 GB using a fat32 filesystem.
> > It will also not let me chown, or chmod the directory so that any user on
> > the system can add folders and files to the partition.
> I can't help you with such information. I don't see what that could
> be. You have to find out more on your own

Now diskdrake shows the external usb drive /dev/sdb as 76GB
Cylinder 0 to 10011

then I click on the blank space, select Create, it defaults to having the 
Size in MB slide all the way over to 78533, fine I will leave it there.
Default file system is ext3, this I changed to FAT32.
Under mount point it allowed me to type in /home/scann.
clicked OK

Mount point: /home/scann
Device: sdb1
Dos drive letter: C (just a Guess0
Type: FAT32
Size: 76GB

It formatted, mounted, updated the mbr of sdb and etc/fstab, and I clicked 

I then launched konqueror, navigated to /home, and looked at the properties 
of scann`

Free space on /home/scann:  708.0MB/708.0MB (0% used)
Why is it not showing 76GB?

then I tried this:
[root@Spool home]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               241116     68756    159912  31% /
none                    193312         0    193312   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda9              1746836   1713600     33236  99% /Archive
/dev/hda2              3070432   1285464   1784968  42% /mnt/windows
/dev/hda7              1280744   1004084    211600  83% /usr
/dev/hda8              1407264     94172   1241608   8% /var    8396520   6607944   1788576  79% /home
/dev/sdb1               724996         4    724992   1% /home/scann
[root@Spool home]#

Note that /dev/sdb1 shows as being 724996 in size, what happened to all my 


DiskDrake still shows /dev/sdb as being 76GB

and df still gives the same output.

Konqueror still shows it as being 708MB

I will now try copying several GB of data onto sdb.

"The place of the material world in the universe is that of an exquisitely 
beautiful precipitate or varied cloud-work in the universal Ęther, determined 
by a geometrical necessity...." ~ Professor John G. Macvicar1870 ~

Brent Hasty

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